The Navigation features the version with a male user and a female love interest.

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INTERACTIVE FILM good job, me! for smartphones

PURPOSE Staff Service is an online recruiting agency.
We aimed to encourage our target audience of young adults in their early twenties to apply for temporary work.
These youngsters are heavy users of mobile phones.
IDEA We created for mobile interactive film which gives temporary work a personal perspective.
This can be experienced through a Facebook ID.
Once logged in, the user's information from Facebook is automatically incorporated into the film.
A "What If" type blissful future of the user who has become a temporary worker is presented.
They appear enjoying the merits of a temporary job.
EXECUTION To get the users to experience temporary work with a personal perspective, the film is based on a Facebook timeline.
We designed the film to showcase a fictitious "What If" story where the user enjoys a blissful life as a temporary worker through Facebook's various features. The "Comments from Friends" and "Developments in the User's Profile" made the story progress.
The cast of the love interest in the film changes according to the user's sexual orientation.
RESULTS 1,200,000 users have visited the PC website and 120,000 users have enjoyed the smart phone site within two months since its release.
As seen from the mounting number of page views, it has succeeded in recognizing the advantages of temporary work (such as how they won't require long working hours and would provide more personal free time) to our target audience and enthusing them to apply for temporary jobs.

Due to the good humored and fun nature of the film personalizing a blissful future of the user as a temporary worker, we have received various positive media exposures. Word of mouth has spread the popularity of the film as well.
We have already received awards from different Japanese and overseas festivals.
KEYS TO SUCCESS Facebook has an unique ability to record each user's life in various forms. We focused on this feature to visualize the possible future life a user can lead if they choose to become a temporary worker.
Our audience really enjoyed how their profile and friend's names magically appeared in the film and were encouraged to apply for temporary work.

The success of our campaign is mainly due to the positive reaction we received for the good humored and fun nature of the interactive film.
Not only did it become a popular piece of entertainment, but also a sincere invitation to a new future each user could choose to take.